
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Install Mac OS X Leopard on A Compaq

The Mac operating system is widely accepted as one of the most user-friendly and intuitive operating systems on the market. Although the Mac OS is a proprietary operating system that works with Apple computers, there are ways to install the Mac OS on a PC. There is a relatively easy process for installing Mac OSX Leopard, Mac's latest operating system, on a Compaq computer.

things you'll need:

  • Blank DVD-R
  • DVD burner drive
  • ISO disk image (see additional resources for download)



  • 1 Download the ISO from Mininova. This is the file that will initiate the Mac installation on your Compaq. You can download the ISO from a link posted in the Resources section below.
  • 2 Burn the ISO on your blank DVD. Choose the slowest burn speed to avoid any problems along the way. Burning a DVD at higher speeds will often cause corruptions in the file.
  • 3 Put the DVD in your Compaq drive and boot it from BIOS. To boot from BIOS on a Compaq, restart the computer and press down F10 as it is restarting.
  • 4 Select the appropriate settings based on the hardware of your Compaq. You will need to select your processor speed among other hardware options.
  • 5 Let the operating system install, which should take about an hour. Once you have completed the installation, you have successfully installed Mac OSX Leopard on your Compaq.




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