
Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Snoop using Facebook

Facebook has become the number one craze among a lot of people regardless of age. Hence, Facebook has also become the number one haven for people who want to snoop on somebody else. Aside from being easy, snooping using this social networking site can provide a lot of information. This can be as simple as personal data to as much as a person’s daily activities. So if you want to snoop on somebody, here is how you can do so using Facebook:

* Get a Facebook account. You need to get yourself a Facebook account first before you can even start snooping on somebody else’s account. It is very easy to do this since you only need to fill out the form on the website's homepage. When you have set up an account, set your profile by adding information you like such as pictures, personal data, and other interests.
* Join a network in Facebook. Without a network on Facebook, it will be impossible for you to succeed in your task. You have to join the same networks that your subject has in common with you. You can do this by searching for friends who have the same location, school you have been to, companies you have worked for, organizations you are a member of, and the like.
* Get access to your subject’s profile. You can easily gain access to the profile of your subject by inviting him to be your friend. If he confirms your invitation, you can already access his profile, information, pictures and his wall. This will mark the start of your success in snooping using Facebook.

* Make friends with the friends of your prospect. If you are friends with the friends of the person you are snooping on, it will give you more opportunities to find more information about the person. Since activities and messages of the person usually have something to do with his Facebook friends, earning access to their profiles will make it easier for you to snoop on your subject.
* Look for the information that you want about your subject. Use his profile, his friends, and his network to find information about him. You can browse profile pages and walls to get the information that you need. Sometimes, checking out the photos of the person and his friends will give you a good idea about the person you are snooping on. However, take note that you cannot always get all the information that you want. If your subject's security setting is very high, you can only get little information.
* Set a lot of time for your snooping task. Every day, you can expect new information regarding your subject, especially if he is the active type in Facebook. Hence, it is best if you can set aside a lot of time to check his profile and his activities. This way, you can be certain that you will not be missing anything, especially if you want to spy on what the other person is doing every now and then.

It is always very easy to use Facebook and other social networking sites to snoop on someone. As long as you do not go beyond what the person is willing to share, this kind of action is always acceptable.


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