
Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Add a Feedback Form to a Blog

Whether you use Web sites for personal or business use, you need to get a response from your customers or Web site visitors. This is called getting a feedback. Feedback is either positive or negative; thus, it is safe to say that getting feedback is synonymous to receiving a constructive criticism to help individuals and businesses to improve.

For a blogger, receiving feedback from your loyal readers and blog followers will often result to increased readership foundation because you know first hand what they want to see or read in your page. As such, feedbacks will provide more interaction between the blogger and the reader and retain readership loyalty from your subscribers.

So how do you go about adding a feedback form to your blog? These steps will help you in setting up a feedback form to your blog.

1. Review if your blog host offers options on getting a feedback from your readers. Blog hosts like WordPress makes it easier to install feedback forms to their Web site. Blog hosts like TypePad, however, don’t have that same option offered to its users. If you have TypePad as your blog host, then you will need to find a third-party feedback form host to assist you in embedding the form into your blog.
2. Design and download the feedback form to be embedded to your blog to your liking. For WordPress blogs, one can contemplate on using the plug-in from Clear Skys. If your blog host does not provide options for feedback forms, you can always opt to register for a third party online Web site resource tool providers like Freedback or Bravenet. You should have a set guideline in what you want to be entered on the feedback form; things like name, email address, gender, location, or any information of the same nature. You can also employ the use of CAPTCHA, a test now commonly used by many web masters, to guarantee that the person replying or leaving comments in your Web page is really a live person and not computer software. Using CAPTCHA will more or less, prevent unwanted spam like advertising.
3. Affix the feedback form to your blog. If you are using a third party resource tool provider, get the HTML code of the feedback form and paste it to the page you want it to appear. Ways on how to do this would totally depend on what blog host you are using. For example, if you have a Blogger blog account, add an HTML/JavaScript Gadget and paste the HTML code generated by your third party resource tool provider and save the settings.

After pasting and integrating the HTML codes, the feedback form can now be seen by everyone who visits your Web site.


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