Place all the pictures that you want into a newly created folder on your computer. Simply right-click on your desktop and click "Create a New Folder." Name your folder whatever you'd like, but it's best to name it something you remember and will always be able to find easily. For example, you could name your folder, "My Photo Albums."
Create subfolders with the folder. You can create different photo albums by creating new folders and naming them according to the subject of the photos. Once you're finished, drag the appropriate pictures into the subfolders.
Go to iTunes on your computer and plug in your iPod Touch using a USB cable. Click the "iPod Touch" name. A pop-up will appear for syncing your iPod.
Click "Photos" and deselect "Sync Photos From." You'll then be prompted to choose a folder to sync you pictures to. Click "Choose Folder" and locate the folder you created that contains your photo albums. Click "All Folders," then "Sync." The syncing process will begin. Once it is complete, you'll be able to view all the photo albums that you created.
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