Things You'll Need:
* Duct tape
* Scissors
1. Cut the duct tape into small squares using scissors. The exact size of the duct tape squares will vary due to the size of the skin tags, but you must cover the skin tag completely. Also cover 1/4 inch of the skin all the way around the tag.
2. Peel the duct tape off of your skin slowly when it becomes loose. Do not rip the tape off quickly or you will bleed. The tape should become loose on your skin 1 to 2 days after application.
3. Examine the tape to see if the skin tag is attached to the tape. If not, apply a new piece of duct tape to the skin tag. Slowly peel the tape off of the skin when it becomes loose, 1 to 2 days later.
4. Cover the area with a bandage for 1 day to protect the skin after you have removed the skin tag. The area might be sore for 1 to 2 days, but it should not bleed or ooze.
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