
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Transfer Files to a Web Server

If you have a website, you will need to fill it up with pages from your computer. To be able to do this, you will first need to design your web page in your computer, and then upload or transfer the files to the web server. This can be done by following these easy steps.

* Organize your files. First of all, try organize your files first before uploading them. This way, it will be easier for you to find which files you want to upload, instead of scouring your entire computer hard drive first before finding the files that you need to upload. As much as possible, place the files for upload in your desktop, so that you will no longer have to search your drives.
* Web server home website. Once you have organized the files that you want to upload, the next step is for you to connect to the website of your web server host. Simply open a web browser and then type in the URL or address of the web host. Once you are in the website, log in using your account name and password. This should allow you to use the web based uploading system. Most web hosts today have web based uploading systems that allow you to upload the files using a web browser alone. This makes it very easy to transfer the files. Each web host will have its own interface, but most will have a button that you can click to start the upload, and then to choose or browse through your computer for the files that you want.
* FTP client. In some cases, however, there will be no web based uploading system. This is especially true if you are using older web servers who have not yet updated their system. In this case, you will need to make use of a File Transfer Protocol client. There are free and paid FTP clients. If you want a free FTP client, you can use FileZilla, from the Mozilla Corporation. Or, you can use Coffee Cup, which is a popular FTP client as well. Download the FTP client installer from the web.
* Install. Once you have downloaded the FTP client installer, right click on the file and then select the Run command. This will activate the installation process. An installation wizard will usually pop up, and all you need to do is to follow the instructions on screen so that you will be able to install the program.
* Setup. After the FTP client has been installed, all you need to do is to configure it with the host name, the host address, the password, and your username. Once this is done, you can use your FTP client to upload files from your computer to the web server.

With these easy steps, you should be able to transfer your files into a web server. This will help you fill up your website with web pages. This will also allow you to use a web server as a means for backing up the important files and documents in your computer.


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