
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Use Multiple ISPs on One Computer (Windows)

The type of Internet service provider that you choose can affect the way that you browse the Internet and your connectivity. There are some ISPs that provide some extra services apart Internet connectivity, and there are some ISPs that have different upload and download speeds. If you want to be able to use various ISPs for various tasks, you can actually use multiple ISPs on your computer. Here’s how.

* Download the installation software. First of all, you will need to download the software necessary for you to use other ISPs. Most Internet service providers have their own software that you need to install in order to get the computer to connect to the Internet using the particular ISP that you have chosen. Once you have installed the application, you can use it to easily connect to the Internet. If you are using more than one ISP, then you should make sure that you have downloaded all of the installation software for the various ISPs that you have. You can usually download the software from the website of your ISP, or they can give you a copy of the installation CD ROM.
* Install. After you have downloaded all of these, the next step is for you to install the ISP installation software into your computer. To be able to do this, all you need to do is to go to the file and then double click it. Double clicking it will run the file, which will open up an installation wizard. Simply follow the instructions in your installation wizard so that you will be able to easily install the software into your computer. Keep in mind that you will need to repeat this process for all of the ISPs that you plan on using. If you plan on using three ISPs, then you will need to download the installation applications for all three, and then install all three one by one. Make sure that you install individually, so that the programs will not clash with each other.
* Default connection. After you have installed, you will need to choose which ISP will be your default connection to the Internet. To be able to do this, simply click on the Control Panel and then go to the Internet Options icon, which will lead you to the Default Connection tab. choose the ISP that you like and click on the "OK" button. The default connection will be the ISP that you use for connecting to the Internet on a regular basis.
* Changing ISPs. If you want to change the ISP, you will need to go to the Connection tab again and change the ISP that you have selected as the default. After you are finished doing the tasks in a particular ISP, simply change back to the old ISP that you want as your default.

Using multiple ISPs may require a little bit of work, but it is possible. With these steps in mind, you should be able to use multiple ISPs in your Windows computer.


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