Make sure the data connection on the iPhone is turned on. This means that regardless of whether the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi, EDGE or 3G network, it must be connected to at least one of these three. If it is not, it will not be able to complete the steps required to download iBlacklist (see link in Resources).
Look for the Cydia application on the iPhone and press the icon with your finger. This icon is often kept somewhere close to the first application page because it is needed to download jailbroken applications.
Wait a few moments until Cydia completely loads. After it loads, locate and click on the "Sections" link on the page. After this is clicked on, a new page will open.
On the scrollable list on the new page, scroll down until reaching the selection that says "Utilities." Select it by pressing on it. On the next page, scroll down to the letter "i." There you will be able to find the iBlacklist package.
Select "iBlacklist" and install it. After it has installed, click on the new "iBlacklist" icon on your phone.
When the application opens, click on "blacklist." Then enter the number(s) you want to block and press "Enter." You no longer will receive calls from the numbers you have blocked.
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