Open up a new text message on your phone. Text out the actual message first if you want to save the rose for last. If not, leave the phone on a blank message so that you can create the rose.
Decide which way you want to the rose to go. The tip towards the right may be easier to tell that it is a rose, but both ways work. The rest of the steps will go from right to left, so just follow the directions in reverse order if you want to text the rose another way.
Text out two dash symbols like this "--". Make sure that there are no spaces between the dashes and also make sure that you are not accidentally using an underscore symbol.
Type a pointer symbol with the tip of symbol pointing to the left like this: "<". If you do it in the opposite direction, the rose may look awkward and not be recognizable.
Type two more dashes, "--". Add another pointer symbol, "<", followed by two more dashes, "--".
Finish the rose off by adding an "at" symbol to the top of. The final rose should look like this: --<--<--@ .
Mix up the order of the stems to create longer or more distinct-looking roses. Try them in the opposite direction or repeat the steps to create a bouquet of roses within the text message.
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